Tuesday, April 30, 2013

#30: This Is Final.

April 29, 2013:

It is already day 2 of finals week, or as it is better known, hell week. Just kidding. What good Christian kid would say that? Not I that is for sure…

I don’t know about you, but the past week has seemed strange to me.

The last week of classes has been full of last minute projects, final papers, and constantly checking eclass for an updated grade (don’t even deny it). I got to end my week with one last chapel of Freshman year. This chapel was kinda weird in itself because there were all of 10 people there. Okay I’m just being dramatic, but it was still weird to see the back half of all of the sections roped off so that people would be forced to sit closer to the front. And it was a free scan.

 That makes more sense.

Okay so I admit that I studied all of 40 flash cards the entire weekend, and was out experiencing San Diego like it was the last time that I would be able to. Because it WAS my last weekend here….until September. Okay okay lame excuse, but according to Facebook I wasn’t the only one trying to pretend like finals were a myth.

Which they aren’t.

Finals. Suck. No. Matter.  Who. You. Are.

Why must teachers cram so much of your grade into one long, mind numbing, packet of papers and call it a final. Why? I will definitely feel like I made it out of the Hunger Games after my last final on Thursday...

I find it funny how the entire look of the school changes during finals week. I can see that everyone already broke out the uggs and comfy sweats, and I’ve even the occasional person in the dressier than normal “celebratory” outfit. Congrats Loma, you officially look like most other college students on a daily basis. 

According to my lovely study partner, I should probably get back to studying for my death sentence final tomorrow morning.

Get some rest, remember to exercise, and stop stress eating Point Loma.

Until I make it out alive on Friday,


Thursday, April 18, 2013

#29: Here Comes the Sun

April 18, 2013:

First, IT'S FINALLY SUMMER WEATHER! Let's see how long this lasts...

So here is my semester/ year countdown as it stands at this moment:
1 more week of classes.
2 more weeks until I leave.
2 more weekends to enjoy at my lovely new home.
6 finals.
15 days until the official end of the school year.
360 hours (until I pack my car to go home...)
21,600 minutes until summer!

Not too bad.

Looking back on this year and comparing it to the above list seems kind of surreal to me. I mean I will soon be done with 25% of my time here at Loma, and I'll only have 5 more semesters to go (1 in study abroad of course ;) ). I couldn't imagine one day being a Senior and looking back on all of that.

Another random thought that I had this week...

I've met so many people in this short 8 month period. I mean I look at old preview student pamphlets and the point weekly, and other Loma publications and all of those once foreign faces are now familiar and regular faces that I see around campus. Another freaky thought? You never know what the person (whether you know them or not) will do in their time here at Loma. I see/ hear of so many people I know that are already doing amazing things, getting recognition, or being talked about around the school. It's sometimes even those people that are the quiet and shy ones in class! Just remember, everyone here will one day do something great, so remember them!

Anyways, enough of that. I'm off to go enjoy some of the 360 hours that I have left here outside :)

Oh, and I probably won't post until closer to finals week. I mean, come on, let's be real (and honest) here.

Until next time Loma!

Soak up some sun,



 (ASB sure takes care of us...)

 That's me! (well mine...on the left...)

Sun, sand, and tanssss

Saturday, April 6, 2013

#28: Remember Where You've Been.

April 6, 2013:

It's been a while. Again.

Only 27 days to go! Whoo!

It's around this time where blogging isn't the only thing I procrastinate regularly...Why must projects be done this next week!

Anyways, all of this counting down the days has gotten me in a nostalgic mood. I'm not joking when I can tell you exactly what happened during that first week here like it was last month. Crazy to think that me and the rest of my class will not be Freshman anymore soon! I have talked to some Seniors who say the same thing...A big difference is that this is their last final count down as an undergrad here at Loma.

Welcome to the actual real world Seniors.

Along with the procrastination, comes that oh so wonderful feeling of not wanting to do anything. Anything.

Plus I've been at the PLNU special Olympics event all day. It was absolutely amazing! I had alot of fun and I know those athletes did as well :) Point for Loma!

With that, I'm kinda done for today. Maybe I'll go take a walk by the cliffs with the million dollar view (or $38 grand a year), or maybe tan? (Be jealous non-socal college kids)

Until next time (I can't guarantee how soon that will actually be...),

Laters Loma!



p.s. I highly encourage you to enjoy these next few weeks and even take a trip down Freshman memory lane (or throwback lane for all of you hipsters.)

Because Chipotle is rad and they love us!

Because the soccer team makes for a b.a. set-up/tear-down crew!

 Because studying here never gets old.
 Because running here is perfection.

 Because that sunset never gets old!
Because I love living at this beautiful place <3

Friday, March 22, 2013

#27: Preoccupied at Point Loma

March 21, 2013:

Six days until Easter break! Is it sad that I am already stoked for this break even thought it feels like we just came back from Spring break? Oh wells, it's almost summer. I'll blame that.

So tonight is the first ever masquerade here at Loma. The tickets have been sold out, time after time, and the plans for the big night have been finalized. What am I wearing to the big formal dance you may ask?

I'm not going. With all of the whiplash from the ticket sales I decided to plan the next best thing for my Friday night, anti-prom. Didn't do it in high school, might as well start it in college right?


During this time of frantic fancy dress prep, extravagant dance plans, and just plain school craziness I've been thinking a lot of just how much I am blessed.

I do Wednesday night outreach every week, but this week was different. This week I truly felt what is was to count your blessings. While walking around the streets of downtown San Diego with our sack lunches, I frequently caught myself worrying about dances, and having the right clothes, and especially my phone (curse you snap chat!). My "aha" moment happened when I was sitting on the sidewalk talking to one of the homeless men with a couple of my friends from the group. During this fairly lengthy conversation we talked politics, family history, past experiences, and even family pets (he honestly had the sweetest pit bull named Brutus!) all the while people were walking by us laughing, chatting with their friends, and talking on their cell phones, not even paying attention to what was happening on the sidewalk in front of them. At one point in the conversation I looked up at the billboard above us which ironically was an ad for a cell phone. It was at that point that I realized that everything that I was preoccupied with at that moment didn't matter as much as the attention that I wanted to give this man who had worked so hard in his life, only to be left with practically nothing.

Other things that have been stealing my attention this week are tests and grades. Okay, I'm not saying that I should quit paying so much attention to them because that's false. I just have realized that the OCD perfectionist little girl in me always takes so much offense at a lower than average grade or a harder to comprehend class. While I'm devoting so much energy to being negative is when I fail to look outside and remember the paradise that I am fortunate to afford and live in.

Who knows why God has certain people in certain circumstances. I may not understand that question right now, but I hope that someday I will.

As for now, I'm going to refocus my attention and keep on trying at this little thing called college.

"“The deep truth is that our human suffering need not be an obstacle to the joy and peace we so desire, but can become, instead, the means to it. The great secret of the spiritual life, the life of the Beloved Sons and Daughters of God, is that everything we live, be it gladness or sadness, joy or pain, health or illness, can all be a part of the journey toward the full realization of our humanity."      -Henri Nouwen

I'm also going to get ready to get chocolate wasted next weekend. 

Stay classy Sealions,



Tuesday, March 12, 2013

#26: Take Me Back Tuesday

March 12, 2013:

Spring break is over, school is back in full swing, and the fog has rolled in. Thanks for that welcome Point Loma.

I don’t know about you, but the closer the breaks get to summer, the harder it is for me to come back. Don’t get me wrong, I still love this college life and all, but I don’t know how to describe this feeling.

Today was especially hard. Maybe it was just the crazy fog/sun/more fog weather. Maybe it’s because of all of the exams due this week. Maybe it’s because it’s Tuesday. Who knows…

Anywho, I guess that’s all I feel like blogging about today. I guess I’m just trying to see if there are more of us non-Seniors who have senioritis upon coming back to school.

For all of those out there, remember these:
Call home.
You will be alright.
Seven more weeks.
Philippians 4:13- I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
Go outside. You go to school in the paradise of San Diego.

Also! First FORMAL school dance! Go, dress up, use the excuse to wear a mask (not saying that you need one…Not saying that).

Well off to a night of homework I go!

Good luck Loma. It’s almost Easter ;)



Saturday, March 2, 2013

#25: Spring Has Sprung

March 2, 2013:

Spring break has sprung. 

For the first time, I’m the last one in my hall to leave. Granted, I should have been leaving Thursday night, but I love Loma too much to leave so early.

That’s a joke.

I’m actually waiting on a friend who is going home with me. He had a rugby game this morning, so alas I am still here. Oh and a little shameless plug for the Loma rugby team. Short shorts, beat downs, and boys. Go watch a game.

Well it’s that time of year again SPRING BREAK! Midterms are conquered (unless, like me, they were moved to the week that we come back) and awesome travel plans are underway. Not to mention the weather! Hello soCal Summer! To all of you out of state kids who are going home….at least you’ll be home right?

And when everyone gets back WE WILL HAVE JAMBA JUICE! Yes! And make sure you download that crazy little app called Tapingo. Looks dumb, is actually simple to use, and saves you time and money. Solid college investment characteristics right there. And a lot of campus dorm renovations are underway. Well at least there are in my dorm. Either way, I think that everyone, students and faculty alike, are ready for a nice week off. Oh and thank you Point Loma again for scheduling it right before everyone else and their dog is out for break.

Whatevs. We get Easter.

Anywho, have a safe break everyone! And as Point Loma would want you to remember, be safe! Don’t drink and drive! (Just pretend you’re still at school ;) )

Well, I’m off to go pay one last visit to Adal’s and catch a rugby game…
Until next time,

Keep it classy Sealions


Thursday, February 21, 2013

#24: I Do Confess...

February 21, 2013:

Congratulations Sealions, this is the end of the 7th week of Spring semester! Only 8 more to go!

So a few things have happened since I last wrote...

One being ASB elections!
Congratulations to the newly elected ASB staff :) And shout out to Claire Schalin whom I may or may not be assisting next year...for which I may or may not be super stoked for...it's not like it's going to be the greatest thing to get paid to work with one of your friends or anything. I'm not officially saying anything like that. Officially.

Oh, and AJ Wolf for president? This should be fun... :)

And another thing, this whole PLNU Confessions page? Lemme rant about that one real quick.

PLNU confessions is like what, a week old? And at first this page on Facebook was super hilarious. I think it was inspired by the bigger universities' "hookup" pages, but I could be wrong. Anyways, it literally went Loma viral in a matter of days.

And then the creepy posts started coming in. You know, the ones where you're like, "okay, this stuff just got fake." Yeah well that's how it ended up looking like. And not to mention it became a perfect place to bash people. Hello people, cyber bullying? No? Personally, I was getting tired of not being able to see anything on my Facebook news feed but other peoples confessions so I hid it from my feed. One good thing, and probably my favorite post on there was the "bring Tony back" on and "Tony 2013". I miss him too guys, I miss him too.

But wait! It doesn't end there! Wouldn't you know that just recently a PLNU Encouragements page has been made. Now this seems reasonable right? Nice Christian kids using it as the ray of sunshine to combat the bullying? No. I think there are more haters toward the encouragements than there were to the confessions.

Now here's the deal. I don't think that either page is all that harmful. I also get that the confessions page is a great outlet for many students here. I mean come on, it's been an outlet for kids who aren't perfect, who don't want to pretend to be perfect here 24/7. Kudos. On the flip side, a little praise (be it anonymous or not) never hurt anyone. I still honestly believe that this campus has the nicest, best, and brightest students of any other California university, and maybe any other university period. So let the good kids have their fun too. Maybe they are those super grouchy, quiet kids who aren't perfect and don't want to pretend to be mean here 24/7.

See what I did there? ;) Kidding.

But seriously, this thing has really become a common topic of conversation. Even Jeff Bolster knows( to the person who posted on his good looks, you're grateful this page is anonymous now, huh?). If you want to read/research/find out more about this whole confessions thing just pick up the latest edition of  the Point Weekly. I told you. It's everywhere.

Well, I guess I should get back to my reading. I call it punishment for not being prepared for a psych reading pop quiz that I was not ready for today. The ONE DAY I don't do the reading! Sheesh...

One last thought. Zombies have returned. Not as big as last year, but I think it's because this new batch are strictly those hard core zombie game players. Makes for more ridiculously hilarious and awkward moments around campus.

Good luck with midterms next week guys!

Until next time,

Keep it classy (and confidential) Loma

It's Lent!~No more soda, caf cookies, or ice cream. :(

Because I don't have a cool Loma landscape shot, I only have a Loma lanyard shot...