Monday, August 27, 2012

#03 Reunited

August 27, 2012:

Today was officially the last day of our Summer break.

It was also the most free time that we've had the past 3 days.

The only thing required was for each freshman to take a survey in the morning. And if you were one of the lucky few, like myself, you sat out in the sun and pretty much re-took your SAT. Not really, but I sure did fill in a lot of those stupid bubble answers. The funny thing is, take a group of kids, bribe them with free food, and bake them outside together and you have a great recipe for random friendships. I guess those who complain together feel a common bond of some sort. I see there what you did there Point Loma...

After that, we were all pretty much on our own. I spent my day doing random stuff around campus, going to a meeting for student-athletes,visiting a friend whose an RD on campus, taking my XC team photo, and getting loaded with free food at "Roary's Reunion", a welcome back event for all of Loma's students.

I feel like I'll be loading up on a lot of free food this week. No complaining here!

That was pretty much the day. Tomorrow is THE FIRST DAY OF CLASS! (Kinda my first one ever. Oh crud.) So I should probably finish printing out my syllabuses, getting my books together, and go watch a movie with some friends in their dorm room. Yeah, I have priorities. I guess I'm really going to have to work on that "college trifecta. (I'll give a detailed description of that later!)

Well good luck everyone!


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