Mood: excitement.
That's right folks. In just 7 short days, we will all be officially done with FALL SEMESTER! That feeling of sitting in a class for the last time is pretty awesome. Okay well we will have to go back one last time to take a test, but that is just technicalities....
You may realize that I haven't posted in a while. I actually went back home again this past weekend to surprise my mommy for her birthday. If I had to throw out just a few words to describe my entire weekend it would be these: love, family, relaxing, stressful, productive, and vacation. But with that great extra time at home comes these words: sadness, laziness, and, if there was a word for it, so over school. Maybe it wasn't a good idea because I seem to have had so many last minute assignments thrown at me this past week. It wasn't all that bad because it gave me the opportunity to go out with some old and new friends to a 24 hour coffee shop named Lestat's. Besides the CRAPPY wifi connection, it was a very productive place to work. The first time experience was worth it in and of itself.
And now, it's time to enjoy all of the festivities that Loma has to offer. Dorm Christmas parties, karaoke night, and Christmas swing dancing are just some of what has been offered here this week, although I haven't attend many myself. I just spent the last 5 hours cooking probably the most ghetto birthday dinner with some of my greatest friends here at school. And by ghetto I mean that it was college adaptability at it's finest. We are talking steak lemon pepper pasta, buttermilk mashed potatoes, salad, and "garlic bread" made with cookie sheets as pot lids, container tops as cutting boards, and cutting boards as plates. And at the end we all held a lit candle so the birthday boy could blow them out. Oh and shared some ice cream. Yes, you could say that if they gave a final on "life", we would do very well.
Speaking of finals, WHY MUST ALL OF THE FACULTY AT POINT LOMA TRY TO SCARE US WITH FINALS!? I mean sure they are a longer test, but all of this talk about stress relief dogs, extended library hours, massive amounts of studying, and late nights is all a bit scary. WE WILL BE FINE! I mean heck! There aren't even classes, so we have 12 hours tops of test taking time in our entire week. We can do this!
Also a quick thing that I learned in my FCS 101 class this week...
Treat Yourself Right
Set Goals
Eat Healthy
Be Active
Get Involved
Peaceful Place
Manage Time
Make Right Choices!
Just remember that in this upcoming crazy week.
Well, I should get to sleep now. Or at least do something productive...
I'll probably post one more time before the actual end of the semester. Oh freshman first semester...
Until next time Loma,
Peace and good luck!

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