Sunday, October 14, 2012

#12: That's Debatable

October 13, 2012:

Another week in the books!
I feel like I say that every time. Life around here has gotten into such a routine, that it’s practically a countdown. And for me, it’s a countdown to next weekend. Fall break.

Now don’t get me wrong. I love Loma. It’s the actual realization that, behind the entire lure of college life and being independent, there is a lot of stinkin’ work involved! Case in point: this weekend, the weekend before midterms. For the record, THEY’RE MY FRIST MIDTERMS EVER. So this should be interesting…

Speaking of a lot of work and the weekend let me tell you about mine so far.
I’ve spent it at a debate tournament.

Now, I hope you don’t take what I’m about to rant about the wrong way. For the record: 1. I LOVE Loma’s debate team. All of them. It’s been a pleasure getting to know them. 2.Debate takes WORK. Don’t ever count debate out as a sport, because it definitely works your brain out like one.

With that said, here it goes.
In the beginning of the year when I got my class assignments, I was honestly excited that I would be ABLE to debate for a grade. I love arguing, so this would be my thing, right?

I’ve been in the class for 7 weeks now and have learned a little bit more about how this “game” of debate is played. Note the word, “little”. Debate really is a game, but it’s a game that I don’t really think I was meant to play.
And to top it all off, this class REQUIRES two completed tournaments for necessary points for your grade.

Yay. Outside classroom hours. Boo.

Since I haven’t been able to attend previous one day tournaments, (hey, I had XC meets geeze.) I needed to attend an overnight tournament in Irvine. Can you say “goodbye weekend”? But like any good student, I toughened up and decided that I was going to try my darndest to be ready for my first ever tournament. Was I prepared? Not in the slightest.

Now this experience could take PAGES to explain, but I’ll save the time and shorten it up for ya’ll ….
-Debate/ debate tournaments are not like any other “tournament” that you’ve ever been to. NOTHING like them!

-“debaters” are a special kind of people. No, not that kind of special! Speed writing, critical thinking, speed thinking in general, and eloquent (or way too fast!) speaking are all normal things to them.
-They have sweaters!
-Other teams can be vicious. Someone should tell them that whole bit about sticks and stones breaking bones…
-I knew NOTHING and just when I thought that I had finally started climbing up the ladder of success, I was still on the ground.
-I may not have liked debating, but I sure as heck got fired up at the judge’s scores that were just handed to me! Robbed I tell you…
All in all, we debated all day Friday, had a GREAT dinner, slept in a super fancy Hilton, some debated/did their speeches all day today(while the rest of us just waited around ALL DAY), had ANOTHER great dinner, and now are finally going home.
All of these travel meets and tournaments are really getting to me. Really.

Finally I would like to close with some words of wisdom that I have acquired throughout this crazy week…
Take every opportunity to hang out with someone new.
It may be going to PBC for a break from the caf with a hallmate who you never really see, or befriending the girl who sits behind you in writing class, who just happens to be on the debate team AND was homeschooled (yes! There are more of us! Homeschoolers unite!).
You never know what you may find out about them. Plus, if you feel like your life is just a big routine, it never hurts to shake things up a bit.
Well, I’m almost back to Loma so I’ll end now.

Keep it classy Loma.



P.S. First days of rain on campus this week!!!

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