Monday, October 1, 2012

#10: Changing

Oct. 1, 2012:

Wow, it has been a while hasn't it.

Blame it one the books, extra curriculars, projects, and of course, the social life.

Plus, my cross country team had a meet in Willamette Oregon this past weekend.
Can you say no sales tax?!
And of course the team did pretty well too! The girls team even took a picture with Nick Symmonds. You don't know who that is? Shame on you!

Just kidding. Olympic runner from Oregon pretty much. Anyways, it was a blast :) And exhausting...

This past week has been one stinkin' whirlwind. Well at least for me it has been.

Renewal week is now a thing of the past.

I really enjoyed it. Whoever put it together (spiritual development?)  did a wonderful job with the decorations (super cute) and speaker. He had his entertaining moments for sure. And we even got to TEXT VOTE as a student body. Yes, you heard right. TEXTING IN CHAPEL WAS REQUIRED! What's that? Your school isn't that cool yet?

I'm terribly sorry.

It's also the start of the 6th WEEK! Geeze school is a breeze! (well I thought it was pretty funny myself...) But seriously, am I the only one who thinks that the weeks go by so fast? I mean I'm already seeing Halloween decor in the dorms! Speaking of which, anyone excited to see what a bunch of college kids who are on their own and on a college kid budget can do for a costume? I am ;] I still can't decide what I want to be....

-Toddlers in Tiaras
-Sophia grace or Rosie (if you know who they are then I mentally high five you!)
-Jess from NEW GIRL! (also another mental high five!)

Decisions, decisions...

Decisions about what takes up ones time here is also something that is hitting me smack in the face this week. Saying "no" has never been one of my strong suits. Plus it's so tempting to just do EVERYTHING like in high school. News flash: this isn't high school. All this I am going to try to put into practice this week as I make some changes. (title word there, folks!)

All this talk about stress and craziness being said, never forget to take some time for a mental break. Now, I'm not talking about that "break" that everyone takes while studying that usually consists of facebook, email, temple run (if you all still play that...), facebook, and a bunch of other time wasting activities.

I'm talking about a good walk, a good talk, quiet time,

or my personal favorite,

Finding a remote, scenic spot on campus and singing at the top of your lungs with a good (maybe best?) friend. Now that, my friends, is therapeutic.

Well I should stop my "mental break" and get back to studying. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I was given an idea from my lovely friend( and debate class partner!) Abbey Stewart for a post about some crazy caf creations here at Loma. Now I must admit I'm always trying out new ones, so I have a few myself. If you have any, feel free to share(: If not, you are all stuck with mine. Sucks.

Until next time Loma,

P.S. MOVIE IN THE GREEK THIS THURSDAY! Take advantage of this not-so-common college activity. I mean really. How many colleges do this?? Exactly.

(random things that happens in an Evarkiou WRITING class...)
(And of course we have to end with a campus favorite. The sunset shot.)

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